Tuesday 15 October 2019

How travelling starts with the mind set and it ultimately dictates your travel experiences

How your trip experience ends up is all based on your mindset. Everyone dreams about travelling the world and exploring all the world has to offer, hopping from destination to destination, trying as many foods as you can. It’s a dream come true, but does it really stack up to the hype? 

What I discovered during my travel around SE Asia is that going from one place to the next, while trying to maximize your experience, can lead to major burn out. I didn’t think it was a thing until it happened.

After this experience and spending some time recovering from what is essentially traveller’s fatigue, I sat down and rethought about my travel plans moving forward. I wanted to make sure I don’t fall into the same thing again, because having traveller’s fatigue is a real downer!

Working on my mindset

What it boils down to is, if you want a great travel experience, then be sure to adjust your mindset to just enjoy the travel as it comes. No more planning every day to the T but have some loose plans in your head and let your day be semi-flexible. It really is the only way to really allow yourself to experience a country and the things that happens around you. When you’re so focused on your next “trip task”, you can easily miss the important things.

There’s going to be things on your long-term trip that will upset you like being pickpocketed or scammed, just don’t allow those things get to you so much that it ruins your trip. Get happy again someway somehow, replenish your funds if you can and continue. I guarantee you there is much more happy things to experience out there.

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