Tuesday 8 October 2019

Digital Nomad Journey - My First Steps

Digital nomading is when you're working online without a fixed location. Whether it's running a business, freelancing, or remote working for you own company, these are part of the growing trend of young millennials. 

I'm currently traveling and my main source of income are my stock investments. I've been investing for quite some time so I have some experience in this area. But, investing is mostly a waiting game so I want to venture into creating an online business and ultimately become a digital nomad. 

Back home I'm a banker, working in the mortgage underwriting scene. It's a stressful job during busy season and super boring during winter months. I've realized I hate being an employee and am always seeking change in environments and challenges. I can't stand being around the same thing over and over again. 

Taking off travelling fulfill the needs of ever changing environments and I would like to stay doing this as long as I can.

Join me on trying to discover ways to successfully become a digital nomad. 

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